Hey! Federal Construction Professionals Are You Hitting Gold Yet???
It’s just like the mining days of old, when you staked your claim and began to dig. If you hit gold, it was your shortcut to success. If you quit digging before you hit gold, it was costly and a waste of time. So, for You:
This post is either BAD NEWS or GOOD NEWS.
It is BAD NEWS if you just glance it over and navigate to another page.
This is GOOD NEWS if you study it, visit the links at the bottom of this blog post, and then start your own investigation to determine…
…and then take action to line your pockets with it.
Carlos’s Story
Here’s the brief story of the transformation of Carlos Bazbaz from a Houston home builder into a National Federal Contractor. Over the past two years, Carlos has already found, bid or negotiation more than 20 federal contracts from Vermont to Hawaii.
Along the way he has been taking contracts away from you. Yes, contractors, the same contracts that you bid on, Carlos got them.
See this brief video of his story: http://www.gcexperts.com/vid11
Here’s the link to just one of the seven contract awards to Carlos:
Here is the press release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – LANTERRA
If you want to accelerate your earnings in the federal construction business, watch the videos at
Talk to any of the 41 contractors that have been through this program and who, over the past 32 months, have received over $340 million in highly profitable federal contracts, then give me a call at (512) 750-2677.
Doug Reitmeyer
Co-Creator: Federal Construction Magazine
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